Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I hereby declare that this blog has no pretensions whatsoever to objectivity.  I express my opinions wholeheartedly and while I hope that I use logic and information in forming them, I know they will be influenced by my experiences and political leanings.  However, I always encourage respectful conversation and debate and welcome posts with alternate viewpoints on any matter discussed, no matter how insignificant they may seem, from the appropriate colors to wear in winter to the appropriate approach to the war in Afghanistan. 

Yes I am conflicted.  I flit between adoring consumption and clothes and beautiful things to abhorring the consumerism that controls our everyday life.  I’m not really disturbed by this because I feel it is probably normal considering we are humans with materials needs and desires and that we are constantly bombarded with fabricated material needs from the day we are born.  My goal is to ween myself off consumption as much as possible and turn towards more fulfilling searches.  Perhaps a New Year’s resolution can be to read 20 excellent and diverse books this year, or actually commit to a yoga routine for once...  or keep my running schedule up for once.  All of these things can help fill in the gaps in time which end up getting filled up with online shopping or promenade walks through touristy shops.  At the same time, walking through stores and feeling all the fabrics of different clothing items is one of my great pleasures in life.  Sigh...

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