Sunday, April 24, 2011

"The Lottery" vs. "Waiting for Superman"

This weekend I finally watched Davis Guggenheim's "Waiting for Superman" and can now compare it to Madeleine Sackler's "The Lottery" another recent documentary bemoaning the wretched state of public education. While both films come to essentially the same conclusion, I felt that "The Lottery" was an appalling piece of journalism and might as well have been a feature film length paid advertisement for a specific charter school (Harlem Success Academy). It was completely one-sided and was irritating to watch as a result.  "Waiting for Superman" probably could have been a little more balanced in it's approach, but it is a much better film, with a more of an attempt at discussing the issues at the root of the problem.  

From a film perspective, both had their strong suits.  Both visually engaging, "Waiting for Superman" had creative use of graphics and animation that was cool to see and "The Lottery" had some beautiful footage in the beginning of the film.  Some of the characters were engaging in "The Lottery," but I thought that the last scene of "Waiting for Superman" is emotional and quiet and resonated better for me.  If you are going to pick one, hands down it's "Waiting for Superman."

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