Tuesday, October 2, 2012

We Dream Together 2013

This project is still in the works, but some of my friends and colleagues have banded together to help form the We Dream Together 2013 collective.  We are a group of Americans who want to do anything we can to help pass the Dream Act in the year 2013.  We are starting out with a campaign to help people understand the issue and to put them in the shoes of an undocumented young person trying to pursue an education and her American Dream.  We have launched our fledgling group with a Facebook page to help gather supporters and we posted our logo today, designed by Venti Hristova.  It's very exciting to be part of something that just spontaneously came together like this.  Can't wait to share our first clip with everyone.  Check out the page and our new logo: http://www.facebook.com/WeDreamTogether2013.


  1. where is the video of geraldine garcia ??

  2. It's coming. We had wanted to get it out before the election, but with Hurricane Sandy taking up everyone's attention, we decided to just spend more time working on it and not rush. I will definitely post when we know when and where it's going to be posted. I also have some back story to share about how the project got started.
