Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Went to James Hook and Co for lobster rolls and then crossed this bridge to go to the Institute of Contemporary Art.


  1. What camera are you using? These are very "arty" pictures. Looks like you are having fun.

  2. hey Hana,
    I love the picture! There's a particular iphone app that lets you take the most amazing pictures. the colors come out great and you can treat the pictures differently(will msg you the name).
    also check out these two photography blogs. Both by the same person.
    http://i-spy-ny.blogspot.com/ (she's a Pakistani grad student studying photography in NY)

  3. http://dailyappshow.com/toy-camera-app-for-the-iphone

    have fun! It has great effects.

  4. Thanks Khizra, I will check those out! I am using Hipstamatic on my iPhone for all these photos. I can post them directly to my blog from my iPhone using BlogPress. Real photos from my Nikon are coming when I have time to polish them and prep them in Photoshop.
